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[Image: AoiUrw1.png]
[Image: civwPV3.png]

Greetings Brutalists...

This is the continuation of Sergeant Mark IV's Brutal Heretic mod. Well, after been seemingly abandoned for a few years, we have continued Brutal Heretic where Sarge and Seidolon has left off.

Latest Update July 16, 2024

[Image: 2g71L2e.png]

[Image: TabS97c.png]

[Image: I4eXl8w.png]

Download and play for an amazing experience of brutality. Leave feedback please! Good feedback = progress.


Seidolon - Sabreclaw gibs, Purple flares, some spark recolors, Crossbow powered sprites, some tracer recolors, Corvus kick
Neoworm - Heretic Staff swing
ZDL - Optimized Sprites

Raven software - Hexen, and Hexen 2
Id software - Doom, and Doom 2
Seidolon - Edits from the Free Sound Library

Misc. Graphics:
Seidolon - Title graphics, minor edits of blue shadow's stuff, black box in main menu
Blue Shadow - HUD bar graphics

Sergeant Mark IV - Brutal Heretic stuff (will specify eventually)
Seidolon - New stuff (will specify eventually)
Randy Heit - Decorate bases on ZDoom Wiki
ZDL - COOP implementation, Optimized and error fixing

[Image: BonaPqP.png] Coop Online
At the current moment the mod works correctly in Coop Online mode, its highly recommended to add 'ResurrectUpdate' and 'Episodic EX' to the mod order.

[Image: rWvy7gB.png] VR Edition
For more information on the Brutal Heretic VR Edition please head over to the ZDL Projects Patreon page.

[Image: l9GNPvr.png] Work In Progress
In the process of Ai Neural Network Upscaling sprites and optimizing the lighting system for newer versions of GZDoom.


ZDL - ZDL v5.4

BRUTAL HERETIC RPG - Brutal Heretic v6.1

If you like our work, please consider supporting us on Patreon.

[Image: PGhAEjU.png]
Great work
[Image: EaXXkW3.png]
Hello and thanks for the reply.

Are you using the updated Ai Neural Upscaled mod included with Brutal Heretic v5?

On the screenshot you posted, on the HUD (Lower right) I noticed the icon is not upscaled?

Thanks for joining NZDOOM and hope to speak soon.
(04-23-2021, 05:41 PM)ZDL_800 Wrote: Hello and thanks for the reply.

Are you using the updated Ai Neural Upscaled mod included with Brutal Heretic v5?

On the screenshot you posted, on the HUD (Lower right) I noticed the icon is not upscaled?

Thanks for joining NZDOOM and hope to speak soon.

The screenshot wasn't from the up-to-date version (likely really very old one).
Hello and thanks for the reply.

That's good to know, I thought it was a mistake with the new upload, nevertheless the screenshot you posted looks amazing.

Thanks again.
Hey, hello Im playing the mod rn and I have a question regarding the torch, what is its purpose? I mean on Brutal hexen seems that I can throw fire with it but on Heretic serves only as a ilumination, I guess? or maybe Im losing any key to use it

Loving the mod btw Smile Thank you in advance.

EDIT: got the hellstaff on the second chapter and notice that it uses 7 per shot, isnt it too much¿? I mean its a cool weapon but with that ammo economy goes to 0 in no time even with the backpack, if its too powerfull reduce the dmg, but 7 per shot seems a bit much when on the OG I think it uses 1 (2 shoots per click). And btw that is one thing I saw as well playing, the weapons seem to shoot faster but the ammo count is the same, maybe for some of them like the hellstaff would be cool if you raise the limit, in the end even the phoenix rod has 400 ammo when is using 5 ammo per shot when on OG is 40, but is a no for hellstaff with 400 only, and Idk how much ammo uses the secondary attack...

That issue makes me wonder if a upgrade system would be viable. You cound add upgrades for the weapons based on the level, you reach level 5 more ammo pool, or the more duplicate weapons you take more upgraded then.

Atm those were my thoughts. Oh and is it possible to reach level cap playing on normal, if there is any level cap, but at least the required level to use all the skill on all weapons.

EDIT2: LOL 400 ammo wasted on ironlich and didnt even die on normal, I had to use the phoenix rod.

Sorry for all the question lol
Hello and thanks for the reply.

Indeed the torch in Brutal Heretic works as expected. Regarding the Hellstaff, allow me to look into this, I'm sure it shouldn't be using such a high ammo count.

For the next major update I was working on items with random stat upgrades for the player and weapons. Similar to the Tome of Power but randomly placed.

Thankyou for the feedback much appreciated.
(05-15-2021, 05:50 PM)ZDL_800 Wrote: Hello and thanks for the reply.

Indeed the torch in Brutal Heretic works as expected. Regarding the Hellstaff, allow me to look into this, I'm sure it shouldn't be using such a high ammo count.

For the next major update I was working on items with random stat upgrades for the player and weapons. Similar to the Tome of Power but randomly placed.

Thankyou for the feedback much appreciated.

Ok thank you. Just in case I did something wrong this is how I play the game and my config to play it. I use last versions of gzdoom and Doom launcher. I hope is not the Doom launcher because it comes really handy to config fast a lot of mods, I had to config manually some of them like ashes2063 to work without the launcher because it didnt load the mod, only the maps. But in this case it loads the mod but the issue is in the ammo.

Well sorry again, like to explain myself a bit too much sometimes

Thanks for the reply.

Maybe you could try out ZDL to load non Zand port applications correctly?
(05-16-2021, 11:51 PM)ZDL_800 Wrote: Thanks for the reply.

Maybe you could try out ZDL to load non Zand port applications correctly?

I have both in case some mod doesnt want to work but anyway the hellstaff works the same (using 7 ammo), I mean I doubt is a launcher problem. Tried the mod with ZDoom launcher and gzdoom and it worked but again I feel a lot more easy to have all the files loaded on doom launcher and configure, I just have to click on the mod I want to play and play it. And yes I know on ZDL you can save the config to run mods on a *.zdl file.

Anyway thank you for taking the feedback in to account. I'll wait for the next version when is ready Smile

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